Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year 2012!!!

2012 brings us a lot of opportunities.  Weight loss is usually at the top of most peoples list of resolutions.  And like most people out there it will fall by the wayside and be forgotten once February comes around.  Awesome you made it a month.  Where fitness is always something that is on my list this year it is just going to be.  It is not really going to be a goal, it is just going to happen.  My challenge to you is the same thing. Very few resolutions ever really come full circle and get completed by the time the ball drops the following year.  So instead of just making a resolution, make it happen.  I posted on another blog a few days ago about being held to the worlds standards.  Here is a news flash for you, the world has very low standards.  Figure out what you want to do/be/or where you want to go by this time next year and just make it happen.  That is not to say the this year will be easy, on the contrary, if you are trying to better yourself be prepared for opposition.  Opposition from family, friends, and even that stranger who overheard you talking and thinks that eating meats and nuts is stupid.  These are merely a few of the issues that you are bound to run into this year.  I am excited to hear what 2012 brings to your doorstep and how you overcome what ever challenges may rear their ugly heads.  Keep in mind that there is a community out there of people trying and succeeding at the same thing you are trying to do.

This was a little promo vid for an amazing event that Practice Crossfit put on back in Oct... Loads of fun and will be doing it again this year.

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